Children’s Leaders: Steve & Lisa Speer
SonKids/Kingdom Kids (ages 5-11)
Sundays at 10AM
Wednedays at 7PM
We are all about connecting children to God on their level and laying the foundation of spiritual development for their life. Our goal is for each child that enters SonKids Ministry to have an encounter with God. Throughout the worship songs, Bible lessons and activities, the message is about shining for Jesus, the Son of God!
For information to get connected to our Children’s Ministry, please contact, Steve & Lisa Speer – Email:
SonKids Nursery
Nursery Ministry Leader: Ashley Calderon
SonKids Nursery (up to age 4)
Sundays @ 10AM
Wednesdays @ 7PM
We provide care for children up to 4 years old. Each week children will engage in songs, activities & crafts with age appropriate lessons to teach them Bible stories & characters, and most of all about salvation and the love of Jesus!
For information to get connected to SonKids Nursery, please contact Ashley Calderon- Email:
Sonshine Youth
Ages 12-18
Events at various times.
We look to help equip this generation in the Word and help them draw closer to God, to also bring unity in our youth. We have fun events as well to show that our walk with God is filled with joy and it’s a blessed life.
If you would like additional information, contact Sean Gallagher at:
Worship Ministry
Sonshine Worship Ministry’s goal is to usher in the presence of God every service, under the anointing of God. Our desire is to create an atmosphere of worship where believers can have a true worship encounter with God, and where the lost are drawn to Jesus.
Through praise and worship, we are given access to the very presence of God. When we worship, God will respond. Worship isn’t just for Sundays, but worship is the lifestyle of the believer!
The worship ministry is comprised of the band and vocal worship team, who meets on most Thursday evenings to learn new songs and prepare for special events. We also come together before each service to rehearse and sound check, to make sure we are giving God our very best.
If you would like to get connected to the Worship Ministry or for more information, please email Lindsey Gallagher at
Media Ministry
Through the use of sound, lighting, and projection, our goal is to enhance the worship service so that people can participate in singing worship songs, see the key scriptures, announcements, upcoming events, etc.
If you desire additional information about the Media Ministry or to get connected, please contact Chris Smith at
Hospitality Ministry
Our team’s goal is to help our guests feel and experience the love of God by truly welcoming them into God’s house through friendly and authentically gracious service.
We reach this goal by having greeters, ushers and our coffee ministry.
If you would like more information on our hospitality team contact Pastor RJ at
Revived Ladies Ministry
The vision of Sonshine’s Revived Ladies Ministry is to encounter a deeper relationship with God and each other.
Our focus is: Fellowship with one another, Discipleship & Bible Study, Encouraging each other and by giving of ourselves thru Outreach & Giving projects. There is a place for every lady in the Revived Ladies Ministry!
If you would like additional information on Women’s Ministry, or to get connected, contact Lindsey Gallagher at:
Mens Ministry
Men of Valor is bringing men together for the sole purpose of building & strengthening each other’s faith in Jesus.
At each Fellowship Breakfast, that is scheduled once a month, a scheduled person will share a short devotion or inspirational message before the meal is served. Anyone in the group can comment, encourage, or share personal testimonies that will be a blessing to the group.
All men are invited to attend and bring a friend with you!
If you would like additional information on the Men’s Ministry, or to get connected, contact Sean Gallagher at:
Intercessory Prayer
We invite people who are passionate about praying for others. We meet on Sunday evenings at 6PM to pray for the Pastors, Ministry Leaders, and congregation of Sonshine, the needs of the people, seek God for direction, deliverance, healing, miracles and times of refreshing from the Holy Spirit for our church, community, nation, and world!
For more information or to get connected to the Intercessory Prayer Ministry, contact Karen Spurlock at:
Altar Prayer Ministry
Our mission is to connect all people to God through prayer at our weekly services here at Sonshine!
The Altar Prayer Team Ministry consists of people appointed by the Senior Pastor that are called upon, to pray for the needs of those who come into our services requesting prayer and ministry.
If you have a desire to minister to others through prayer ministry, please contact Pastor Calvert for more information at
Sonshine Cafe
Our cafe is open Wednesdays 5PM-7PM and some scheduled events. We are open to the public so it’s a great ministry to show the love of Christ in a different setting.
If you are interested in getting involved in this ministry and would like additional information please email Gavin Franciotti at:
Sonshine Tract Ministry
What is a tract? It’s a short, simple presentation of the Gospel message, printed in convenient pocket size, designed for easy distribution and use. It’s a convenient easy way to share the Good News.
Our goal is to be a team of effective soul winners led by the Holy Spirit. Sharing the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love and a servant’s heart. Success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.
Matthew 9:38 Pray ye therfore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
If you are interested in getting involved in tract ministry, please contact Linda Stevens at:
Sonshine Silver Ministry
The vision of Sonshine Silver Ministry is to bring “seasoned adults” together for wholesome fellowship events and outreach discipleship.
Activities to achieve this vision are;
Luncheons, field trips and tours based on member interest.
Outreach monthly sharing our faith through inservice visits at nursing homes.
Sponsor annually to inspire Childrens summer Bible reading challenges.
Your skills, abilities and maturity are needed. You may have many more years to serve the Lord and mankind.
All men and women with life experience and wisdom, that consider yourself a “seasoned adult”, you are invited to join and attend.
If you’re interested in getting involved in Silver Sonshine Ministry, please contact Anna Hingson at